Calabasas Appliance Repairs

Whether putting food in the refrigerator, the freezer, or the cupboard, you have plenty of opportunities to prevent foodborne illnesses.

The goal is to keep yourself and others from being sickened by microorganisms such as Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, and C. botulinum, which causes botulism. Keeping foods chilled at proper temperatures is one of the best ways to prevent or slow the growth of these bacteria.

These food storage tips can help you steer clear of foodborne illnesses.

So, what is the correct Fridge Temperature?


The ideal range in which you should keep your fridge temperature is at or below 40° F. If the temperature of the refrigerator is high then it spoils the foods, vegetables and other items.
If the temperature inside your cold storage system is above 40°F then it can lead to the growth and spread of bacteria. Bacteria start growing easily and contaminate the milk products such as cheese, butter, bread and other items if the temperature is not right.

If you want to keep something in your refrigerator like ice cream so that it can freeze then 0°F should be the temperature of your freezer.

But, if you are still confused & think that there might be an issue in your fridge because of which the food items are getting spoiled then it is highly recommended that you contact our specialists at

Our Experts situated in Los Angeles will also guide you on how you must arrange and keep the products in your cold storage system so that they can last for long.

You can trust our experts at because we have been successful in serving a lot of customers.

So what are you waiting for? Give us a call for fridge repairs in Los Angeles and we will help you out.

You may also book your appointment at

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